1. DisOrientation Follow Up:

First, thanks to the more than 65 first year students who joined us during the DisOrientation training yesterday - we're so glad that so many of you have decided to make this work a priority, and to welcome you to Smith and Unlearning Racism, the student group that put Disorientation on. If you didn't get a chance to fill out the 1 minute eval, please do so here ASAP.

2. Timeline, Resources and Notion

To all, the resources from the training can be found on the awesome Unlearning Racism Notion website some Unlearning Racism folks put together, as well as many more resources. Disorientation attendees should have the invite in their inboxes, returning students have it or will shortly (email is from Notion directly). We also want to flag a resource that some of the Disorientation team put together - a timeline of race related events at Smith SSW, with links etc. We hope this can be a useful resource for all of us, and in making sure that students of color are not the only ones taking responsibility for knowing and passing along this information.

3. Meeting - Weds 6-7pm EST - And other ways to get involved

We'll (Unlearning Racism) be having our summer kickoff meeting this Weds, 6/3 6-7pm EST on Zoom. We'll send out the Zoom info on Weds. This Weds slot will continue to be our regular meeting time, though we're looking at offering some smaller reflection and accountability groups and using the Notion platform as other ways for folks to connect and engage this summer if you're wanting other non-Zoom ways to stay involved, and to find ways to connect to organizing work through these various avenues and beyond.

For Students - #ShutDownAcademia #ShutDownSTEM

Anti-racism resources for white people

who taught you to be white? (1 of 4) - The Heart

Becoming Trustworthy White Allies