Please feel free to answer these questions below. You can return to this page at any time to edit your response. We hope to create an evolving survey system that allows for feedback to immediately and constantly be informing the conditions in which we will be working this summer. If there are questions that you think are important that are not currently in the survey, feel free to add them to the list.

  1. Equity and access needs?
  2. What logistical needs do you have?
  3. Material services that happen on campus that we need to transfer to dispersed learning (writing center, physical study spaces, library services, gym and counseling and acupuncture, council space, lounges, )
  4. Activities that happen on campus that we need to transfer to dispersed learning (Biopsychosocial, Council and student org activities, anti-racism lecture series, meditation, )
  5. What suggestions do you have for creating a peer support system?
  6. How can CC help?
  7. How can students collaborate with faculty and admin to make this a great summer?
  8. Ideas about how to create community?
  9. Ideas about how to create rich learning experience?
  10. What do you do to keep yourself functional and enlivened during hard times?
  11. What other feedback do you have?

Also, this pulse survey is meant to gather your thoughts, wants, and needs around being in a digital learning environment. Information will be summarized and shared with the deans and they may choose to distill even further for professors.