Exam & Licensure Info


  1. Register for the exam (establishing eligibility to take the exam)

-involves character references, fulfilling a free online course in trauma and abuse, demographic info, and, of course, as always, payment.

  1. Receive confirmation of eligibility to take the exam and instructions for signing up for the actual exam, date and location.

  2. Sign up, pay, study and prep

  3. Exam

-learn immediately whether you passed or not

-you can choose which states you want the results to be sent to.

  1. Get initial license in the mail (and pay for it).

NOTE: your hours will only begin counting towards independent clinical licensure once you have passed the exam and received your initial license, so it is beneficial to pass the exam asap.

I’ve attached:

SW Candidate Handbook, which walks candidates through the exam process.

SW Candidate Handbook, which walks candidates through the exam process.

images of what the computer screens will look like in the test.

images of what the computer screens will look like in the test.

Main link for exam registration, where you can register online and receive eligibility to take exam: https://www.aswb.org/exam-candidates/exam-registration/

Link to testing accommodations: https://www.aswb.org/exam-candidates/testing-accommodations/

Here is a link to the ridiculously and unjustly expensive practice test ($85): https://products.aswb.org/PracticeExam

Here is what the test-taking centers look like: https://home.pearsonvue.com/Test-takers/Pearson-Professional-Center-tour.aspx